How to Order?

Please read through our T&C carefully before placing your order. By placing an order, you have agreed to be bound by our rules set. Thank You!

Step 1:

Send us the detail : Name / Item / Colour / Email Address/ Postage Address to


Step 2:

After we received ur order, a reply via email from dress-likecouture will state whether or not the item is available. If it is available,  dress-likecouture will provide our bank details & reserve your goods for a maximum period of 48 hours until we receive your payment. Goods will be released if we are unable to receive any payment from you within the time period given.

Step 3:

We currently only accept CIMB BANK transfer, regardless of ATM or online transfer.
You bank in the money via online/manual transaction.
Please send us an email with these details:

  1. Date of Transaction/Amount:
  2. Transaction Method:
  3. Which Bank: exp Public Bank, Bkt Bintang

Forward us the banking transaction details if via online banking as proof of payment so that we can confirm your payment and proceed with delivering the goodies.

Step 4:

We will confirm your payment and will be sending your parcels within 1 - 2 working days!

Step 5:

You may check the tracking number on the blog. If your parcel seems to take more than 2 days to arrive,  track it via